Our Approaches

Revolutionary Love

As Valerie Kaur defines it, " Revolutionary love is the choice to enter into labor for others, for our opponents, and for ourselves in order to transform the world around us." We are action-oriented and believe that our incremental successes from these actions matter. 

Equity-and Human-Centered Design

Equity—and Human-Centered Collaborative Design: We use an Equity- and Human-Centered Collaborative Design approach to problem-solving. This approach is participatory, collaborative, visual, and iterative. We start with empathy and an understanding of historical and structural systems to ​​center the lived expertise of those experiencing the challenge as we create possible solutions to test. 

Racial Justice & Equity

Equity and inclusion are the foundation of StudioYellow as an organization and the services offered. It is embedded in every step of the work. Our culture is driven by mainstreamism, anti-blackness, and white supremacy culture, and we need to diligently examine the language and tools we use to include the voices of historically and systemically marginalized peoples.

Self-care as Acts of Resistance 

StudioYellow believes that rest and self-care are acts of resistance, especially for those whose identities have been historically and systemically excluded. Reflection is a critical component of individual growth and skill building. StudioYellow practices reflection days, no-meeting days, vision and retreat days, and time to be with and enjoy colleagues' company.

Our Commitment to the Communities We Serve

StudioYellow is a member of the communities we serve. Shared identity with those communities means we cannot ignore economic and social benefits for ourselves and future generations. These words guide every engagement:

“Avenge the suffering of the ancestors

Earn the respect of future generations

Be transformed in service of the work”

— Mary Hooks

Through previous employment, StudioYellow has significant and extensive experience envisioning, designing, and implementing real-world economic and racial justice-centered projects and programs.