Our Services

  • StudioYellow offers design consulting services on various social issues. We provide: Issue area framing, Project planning. Research and analysis (including quantitative/qualitative and stakeholder interviews), Facilitation of ideation and implementation sessions, Report/recommendations.

    Our practices are rooted in the following principles.

    Empathy first: We start with understanding the past and current experiences to build the future vision.

    Co-created vision: We listen to the community and provide space to co-create the future. No information is taken from the community members to make recommendations without their active participation.

    Equity-centered: When forming a design team, we ensure that historically and systemically marginalized groups with lived experiences are represented.

  • StudioYellow offers planning and facilitating community engagement sessions. We make sure that:

    We invite the right people to meet the project goal.

    Participants are prepared beforehand for the conversations.

    The events are culturally relevant and mindful of participants’ needs.

    The activities are fun and creative, and relationships are formed in the process

    There is alignment on decisions and action items with a clear path forward.

  • StudioYellow helps teams and organizations imagine the future unbound from what they think is possible right now, by thinking beyond incremental changes. With an established future vision, the team can develop and align its strategies to make progress toward the ideal state.

  • StudioYellow works with institutions and programs to co-create organizational culture and structures that actively dismantle structural white supremacy and its cultural norms.

  • StudioYellow offers extensive facilitation services. We enjoy a reputation for excellent facilitation, creating and holding space within which all participants may co-create their successful outcomes together. In doing so, progress is made on any specific issue or project. At the same time, participants experience what's possible when they come together. There's no "magic" facilitation; there's simply facilitation that invites participants to participate actively in the process. When that comes together, that's the "magic".

  • StudioYellow offers coaching services that support each client's unique personality and process. We bring an attitude of curiosity about and compassion for those with whom we work. Our coaching is informed by our understanding of working within local government dynamics.

    StudioYellow has over 40 years of combined experience offering executive-level coaching relationships, both formally and informally. In addition, mentorship through professional and community relationships has been and continues to be offered. Coaching expertise includes inner work, intergenerational trauma, process-oriented psychology, somatic work, and nature-based depth psychology.

  • StudioYellow delivers high-quality, experiential training experiences within structured sessions that routinely receive participant feedback related to gaining new skills, believing in their ability to use those skills in the workplace, and enjoying being with colleagues in a learning environment.